Phillip Collins: The Rise Of Gnosticism

Phillip and Paul Collins are, in my opinion, two of the best commentators on matters of occult conspiracy. I concur with their views entirely.
This is one of the latest offerings from Phillip Collins. It is a radio interview, split into eight, fifteen minute segments. Phillip's teaching is excellent and I recommend it to anyone who really wants to find out what is happening.
Just one further note. We have known about this stuff for a long time. The proof is all around if you have the nose for it.
Having the desire to get to the truth is the key to why teachers such as Phillip and Paul, as well as countless others, can offer up sound, well researched material, stuff which borders on the incredible, and yet people are generally indifferent towards it.
I fear that there may be no help for such folk.

Here is Part One:

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